Monday, February 18, 2008

Snow People

here are the snow men that daddy-o and yah made after the big snow fall. the big one is "Yah" and the little one is"Ehm." the next morning, Yah went to the window to see if the snow people were still there. after realizing they were, she put on her boots and coat, then went outside to give them each a hug and tell them good morning. this was the routine for about two weeks, then the weather had warmed up enough to make the snow men lean over and then she didn't hug them any more. now they are a lump of snow in the almost bare yard, the house shades them from the sun so they aren't quite gone yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chrissy it's Kelly. I finally found your blog online. Great pictures! Keep the updates coming I enjoy reading them. Don't forget to check out my webpage. Have a great day!


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