Monday, June 29, 2009

i heart faces #25 Wedding Bells

once again a busy week. i told myself that i would do at least one post before the next i heart faces entry, well yea right... i just don't have time, or maybe it is too difficult to make time. i worked six days straight this week, and that takes lots of my energy. if you can avoid the graveyard shift while trying to raise kids, do so. on my day off, it was uncle ernie's wedding. (my husband's uncle). it is his 2nd marriage and her 3rd. why didn't they just go to the JP? oh yea... grandma booty, the groom's mother, (yes that is what we call her, to her face as well) would not let them. so we went to the wedding, Yah got to be one of the flower girls and Baba (niece) got to be the other. they had fun getting dressed up and i let Yah wear a little pink eye shadow, she is so grown up. well as the only person in the family who owns a nicer camera, i got to take the photos. not that i am any good at all, weddings scare me. (i had dreams for a week before the wedding of losing my camera, running out of memory on a card, lenses falling off the camera and breaking...not good) i did take photos of the wedding, it was not very traditional, also not planned very well. so most of the shots i had planned on getting (and i had a list in my pocket) did not happen. the bride wore a blue formal dress and the groom wore slacks and a button up shirt. this is really dressy for them. the ceremony was held in their side yard, it was simple and short 15 min from start to finish! then over to the front yard for the reception. of course there was cake stuffing going on. (i read somewhere that people who stuff cake at their wedding are more likely to get a divorce. what is your opinion on this? i hate it and we did not stuff at ours) the bride and groom did not seem to want many posed shots they let me take only a few and weren't very cooperative. they seemed as if they had no time for photos or the desire to have any taken...oh well. he seemed much more exuberant than she. and there is glare on her glasses. any suggestions on how to avoid that?
as for my entry we have my Yah being the willing participant and letting me get such a sweet photo of her.
i love her hair and the simple expression on her face. this was taken before the ceremony and you can see the excitement on her face. i am glad she had the experience of being a flower girl. i was as a girl too, and i thought back on it often growing up.
i checked out the judge this week at her web site and her photos rock. jasmine star is AMAZING. i am no where near her level, but i did enjoy looking at all of her site and i read most of her blog last night. thanks to j* for sharing her love of God through her site and also for keepin it real and giving us an incredible insight to her life and career.

thanks for stopping by, and do go check out the other entries this week at i heart faces i know they are going to rock my world. also check out j* at her web site it is she is one great photographer!


  1. Wow that sounds like an interesting wedding! I've never been asked to shoot a wedding, just some receptions, but that does sound nerve-wrecking. Although it wasn't very traditional I' glad you shared that beautiful image of your daughter with us!

  2. Wow- talk about nightmares! The stress must have been almost unbearable for you. And so nice that that you got volunteered for the job to only end up begging to get a few shots. Love the one of your daughter, so glad someone was happy to pose! Love that you're following my blog and that your co-workers think your nuts now. :D

  3. she's adorable!... and what a cool POV. great!

  4. Isn't Jasmine Star awesome? I was blown away not only by her gorgeous photos, but just by her energy and spunk...not to mention that she's gorgeous. (Now I'm just being jealous!) :)

    Yee Yah looked so sweet. I love the splash of blue. Not a common color for a wedding, but it looks great!

    Hopefully you'll get a chance to take photos for a first time marriage...even if it's as a guest. It's actually nice not having to be the main photographer...much more relaxing! Then you can capture the fun, candid moments.

  5. Oh, forgot to say...cake stuffing? No way! I wanted to look nice in the pictures after the cake, plus not have a ruined dress. I guess for some couples, it's fun, but it's best that they both agree before hand instead of having a surprise!

  6. Your little Yee Yah is adorable!! And in flip flops, no less! That's a girl after my own heart!


...your thoughts...