Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 29 - “Funny, Silly Faces” and “Pets” Photo Challenge Fun!


yea for this weeks theme! you may not know that my mom is one silly lady. the kids call her mema and she is a goof ball when around the kids. this last week mom came over to share her adventures she had during this last week in the big sky state (MT). we have a pool at our place and the swimming goggles were on the table. now Yee Yah had removed the rubber parts, you know the part that actually keeps the water away from your eyes. i knew it would be long before mema did something funny with those goggles, i went for the camera and waited for her to do her magic. i was not disappointed, and neither were the kids (you won’t be either)

the funniest part was that she kept right on with her story as if nothing were any different and this was just some “normal” thing to be doing. well my mom is NOT normal, and you know… i’m glad.

it is one of the blessings of family that you can afford to be stupid with them.


i have lots of fun memories of growing up a single child, with this crazy lady for my mom. yes, she is silly, weird, and fun. she is mine, and i love her.

how bout seeing more funny, silly faces? go to i heart faces to get you funny bone fix.

this week is also pets. Yee Yah saved up her allowance for three months to get this fish and tank and fish supplies. it is her pet and she is the only one responsible for the well being of the fish. she has named her ( i know it is a him, but trying to convince my 6 yr old that seems impossible) “Rose Bluey” because rose is a pretty name and she is blue. here is rose bluey happy in her tank.

rose bluey

have a great week! and as always,

thanks for reading…


  1. Love the pictures. They are awesome.

  2. Hahah! Your mom is awesome!

    The fish is such a bright blue! So pretty.

    So you're gluten free too? I'm going to try to post more gluten free recipes when i get the chance.

  3. I love it!!! I have a crazy Mom and Grandma. That picture makes me miss them.


  4. Great pics! The one of your mom is so funny! I had to laugh about the Dylan had a male Betta named Dorothy...could not convince him that the fish was a boy!

  5. Oh I LOVE your entries - especially your silly face . . . I cannot think of a more perfect entry :-) great capture!

  6. I love that funny face! Just perfect! LOL

    Great shot of the betta, too. :)

  7. I totally get you about the funny mom. And I am blessed to have one myself :)

    I love that she is willing to let you take pictures like that!


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