Tuesday, September 22, 2009

sweet little piggy toes

a few weeks ago, Ehm asked me to help put her sandals on. when i put her foot into the shoe, she screamed like i was killing her loudly protested. after a close inspection of the shoe, i decided there must be something wrong with her foot.
sure enough, the big toe was gray on the side. weird. i tried again to put on the shoe, *insert more screaming* but it was no use. i finally just snatched her up and put her into the car with shoes in the diaper bag just in case.
later that night she kept saying owie, owie, foot. i could not figure it out. so i looked at her foot again to be shocked by discover her in-grown toenail. yes, my dear sweet baby not yet two years old, has an ingrown toenail! What?
compelled to ease her discomfort, i got out the clippers and rooted around skillfully got to work. there was putrid green and yellow pus oozing from her sweet toe after i clipped away some of  the skin. *you need to know i have had several ingrown toenails myself, so i know how to remedy this sort of owie* while i was torturing helping my sweet baby girl to feel better, she was SCREAMING (yes, in all caps. my ears are still ringing.)
ever the one to stick her nose into other's business concerned for others welfare, Yah came into my room to see why her sister was so upset. i explained about Ehm's toe and Yah was disgusted enthralled to find out all about it.
i fixed Ehm's toe and after about a week, it was all better and there was no more protesting about wearing shoes. *insert awe and applause for a job well done*
just yesterday, Yah told me her foot hurt....yep, you guessed it now she has an ingrown toenail. What? i did not realize ingrown toe nails are contagious. don't come to my house for a while. Yah's poor toe was bright red and festered, i went to get the clippers and she asked me "what are you going to do?" *whimper*
i reminded her of little sisters toe and what i did to fix it. "oh No, you are NOT going to do that to me." she said in total seven year old defiance.
"yes, i am" i said in the "i mean business" tone that every nurse has used with Yah. i got the clippers and the hydrogen-per-oxide and was about to reach for her foot, when Yah screamed said "wait, wait, wait, i have something i need to ask you." what. "if you just leave it alone, what will happen?"
your foot will turn into one big oozing, bleeding sore and then dad will cut it off with a saw well...i will have to take you to the doctor and they will give you several shots in your toe and then he will cut on your toe with a knife and then he will poke down inside it with medicine and it hurts really bad and you will scream and cry.
now Yah's eyes are bugging outta her head and she decides to let "nurse mom" fix her foot. this is going to hurt, but try not to scream, your brother is sleeping and he doesn't feel well, ...and we don't want to scare your sister.
Yah was very brave and let me fix her toe. she did cry, but not much screaming. then it was Ehm's turn to wonder what mom was doing to big sister. when she understood what was going on, she took off her sock and said "foot owie" (her foot is fine) i thought it was so funny that she needed a band-aid too.
the kids are staying at grandma and papa's house tonight, as daddy-o and i both have to work. when they got to our house to get the kids, Yah told papa:
"guess what, papa? i finally have my very own in grown toe nail! mom fixed it and put on a band-aid"
well, isn't that an interesting thing to be proud of?
link up your true story and play along with all the fun!

thanks for reading...have a great tuesday!


  1. In-grown toenails are so painful. Glad you know how to fix them outside of the doctor's office!

  2. Ouchie! That sure sounds like it hurts!

    Glad you can take care of them at home...

    And who woulda thunk they were contagious? Not me!

    Have a great day!


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