Monday, July 13, 2009

i heart faces #27 “Sports in Action”

here it is sunday time just seems to get away some how. i have had a great three days off from work. and we went camping. just got back this afternoon. will be unloading the 16 G camera card soon.
but for now here is my entry for the iheart faces sports in action theme. this is one of our t-ball players. daddy-o was the coach for the little league team this year and YeeYah got to play. i'm not sure who had more fun daddy-o or her. they were both a little sad when it was over, and so was i.
this is afton, she is keeping her eye on the ball, and she nailed it a line drive past second base. i love the concentration on her face. also her mom in the green behind her, having a great time as well. i will post more t-ball pics later, but so far... this is my fav. (out of the kids that aren't related to me)
we went camping this weekend and saw lots of people we know. it was the 53rd annual "funstitute" in McCall, ID. when all the area 3 square and round dancers go up north to dance away the weekend. lots of dancers camp (we do too) and others "rough it out" in a motel.
at breakfast on sat, dick brought his dog, taffy. she is nine years old and had a stroke soon after she was born. her hind legs run faster than the front ones and her head is at a funny angle, but she is cute and freindly as can be. she posed for me to get this shot of her, and she even smiled!
do go over to i heart faces and see all the other pet and action photos, you will be inspired. i always am. this site challenges me as a photographer and i feel i am getting better at something that i love.
have a great week and as always
thanks for reading...


  1. great sports shot - and I know how hard it is to get those 'ball in the air' shots - I was trying when my boys were playing tennis the other day! - Nice one!!

  2. Aww . . . cute little doggy! Bless her little heart. I rarely hear of dogs who have strokes. Thank the Lord she has wonderful human parents to care for her.

  3. Wonderful pictures! I love how she is concentrating so much on the ball...greast job! The dog is just adorable and thank goodness for loving humans!

  4. What a cute dog and I love a girl that loves softball. I played for 12 years myself and can't wait till my little girl is old enough to get invovled. :o) Great shots.

  5. I have a huge soft spot for photos of kids and baseball. Love that you got the ball in the picture. What a cute girl, concentrating so hard. Good to hear that she nailed it!

  6. Great shots! The dog is too cute!

  7. I'm still working on dumping in pictures, but the ones on my camera are going to:

    -- Ben

  8. Hard to get a much cuter puppy face then that! ADORABLE!

  9. That is a great sports picture. And how cute is the doggy? Just as adorable as can be!


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