Tuesday, July 7, 2009

now there are two...

look, Look, LOOK! now i have two followers. this might not be a big deal to some, but i was thinking that maybe i don't matter, now i have two in the same week, just when i needed the ego in flation, so thanks gals! you helped to lift me up. and yes my heart went pat patter pitty pat when i saw two followers. and i got that funny feeling in my tummy like when you go really high on the swing set (you know that feeling like you might be sick or maybe just have to pee, but it is in your stomach instead) so yee haw and cool beans catch ya on the flip side and all that cool happy stuff... thanks for reading...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why I have not been following you...Shame on me...


...your thoughts...